



Tax Control Triangle

Diversification goes beyond stocks and bonds. Learn about how not diversifying taxes and liquidity could impact your goals.

June 15, 2021 Read more

Medicare 101

Your comprehensive guide to plans, pricing coverage and more.

June 8, 2021 Read more

Be a Thrivalist!

I like to call those who see opportunity in challenging times “thrivalists”—because they don’t just survive, they thrive.

May 31, 2021 Read more

Key Market Strategies 2021

Mid Year outlook for some themes to watch out for in the market for the rest of the year.

May 21, 2021 Read more

Investment Review

$500 - Available to DIY and DIWM subscribers (included with DIFM package)

An in-depth review of your current portfolio of investments, based on my proprietary Thrive Method, a program I’ve developed over decades of experience. You’ll receive a custom-generated list of suggestions, actions, and strategies to help maximize your investment and asset allocation. The review features a calculated risk analysis, current cost analysis, and investment performance analysis.

CFP Review

$750 - Available to DIY subscribers (included in other packages)

A one-page financial plan that not only contains information about your current situation but also provides insights to help guide future-focused strategies and decisions. Imagine taking tens if not hundreds of pages of financial data and distilling it into an actionable doctrine - this is the Thrive Certified Financial Planner Review.

Single Issue Plan

$250 Each - Available to DIY subscribers (included in other packages)

We create a customized, concise, and easily accessible plan to address a specific issue you’re concerned with and outline how to approach it. Some examples include college planning, pension options, retirement readiness, early retirement healthcare, social security, and many more!